Back in April, our friends at MISK took over the Salem cafe for a day and ran their very first April Fest.
MISK (which stands for The Young People’s Information Service of Kazakhstan) is a partner NGO who we work with and who rent office space on our site. Their activities include various projects designed to help young people understand more fully what opportunities are available to them in different ways.
April Fest involved first year university students and those in the last two years of school spending time taking tests to better understand their professional personality types, discussing the importance of critical thinking in life and the workplace, and having a short orientation to prepare for entering the professional world.
The format for the day was a ‘Living Library’, where speakers present topics and answer questions on various specialities. These included the psychology of work, using IT, journalism, how to choose a profession, time management, and starting a business.
The attendees were very receptive to all they heard, and it was clearly another great investment for the future of the country.